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Canoe Storage Ideas for a Small Apartment?



Howdy folks,

My girlfriend and are I moving to northern CA next week from Washington state. We bought a Wenonah kevlar Champlain used from a kayak guide service I worked at last summer but now we're trying to sell it because we won't have room to store it where we move. Anyways I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to store a canoe securely with limit space, so then we wouldn't need to sell it?:confused: We're moving to a studio apartment.


Hi Jonathan, and welcome! About the canoe; First thing, can you get it to/into your apartment? I'm imagining you're on the fifth floor etc.... That Champlain is 18" right? Have you got eighteen feet of straight run? If you do, could you prop it right up to the ceiling with something like a wooden ladder (of course without so many cross pieces as a real ladder) Many folks while camping prop the canoe upside down and use it for a table; Maybe you could make it into a real epic coffee table! That's about all the hair-brained ideas I can come up with this early in the morning.
Again welcome!
It all depends on if you can get it into your apartment. If you can't, but you have an assigned parking spot under cover of some sort, you might be able to hoist it into that, suspending it over your car.

If you can get it inside, ceiling storage might be your best bet. Something like this: http://www.amazon.com/BAC-Industries-PH-01-100-Pound-Capacity/dp/B0000ASMQ0?tag=vglnk-c1004-20

Barring that, if you had a long wall you could build a rack and put it up high. secure two 2x4s to the walls about 8-10' apart, then, on each of those, another 2x4 about 3' long sticking straight out, supported by another one at a 45* angle to hold it horizontally...
How about CraigsList? Place an add that explains your situation and maybe someone will have a spot to store the canoe, possibly in exchange for some labor or something that you could barter for.
I once re roofed a shed for an elderly lady in exchange for deer hunting permission on her land, turned out to be a 20 year deal for me for a days work.


Hi Jonathan, and welcome! About the canoe; First thing, can you get it to/into your apartment? I'm imagining you're on the fifth floor etc.... That Champlain is 18" right? Have you got eighteen feet of straight run? If you do, could you prop it right up to the ceiling with something like a wooden ladder (of course without so many cross pieces as a real ladder) Many folks while camping prop the canoe upside down and use it for a table; Maybe you could make it into a real epic coffee table! That's about all the hair-brained ideas I can come up with this early in the morning.
Again welcome!

I like you idea using it as a table! The apartment is on the second floor and I have no idea if we can get it inside, I'm guessing we can't. I haven't seen the apartment yet! I don't even know the square footage :eek:. And as far as I know the parking is on the street.

Thanks for the ideas folks. I'm going to put an ad up looking for someone to help me store it I think. I actually did have someone on a backpacking forum email me saying they wouldn't mind storing it in exchange for him and his son using it, he lives several hours away though.

One idea I was thinking about was a way to secure it to my car. I have an old civic and no rack, but I was thinking I could get a rack and then use a chain to secure to the rack, or in the mean time without a rack maybe loop the chain down through one of the hooks in under my car.
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Well Jonathan, All my alarm bells went off about the offer to store your canoe in exchange for the use. Are you familiar with the expression "He was worked like a borrowed mule?" Poor mule and poor canoe. No borrower ever takes care of them.
Is there somewhere safe where you could leave it while you go and check out what the place is like where you're going? Maybe the Guide service where you got it? How about a friendly Marina, they often have enclosed areas where they keep boats. Towing service impound yards? Those places where they rent storage spaces? Of course, be expecting to pay something.
I'd for sure make a phone call to the new apartment and talk to the manager, he ought to answer many questions.
It sounds like you've got to work out some way to carry it on your car, as far as security while on the car I doubt much will really protect it from determined thieves.
I don't think I'd alarm the apartment manager just now, but you may find a way to get the canoe up to the second story and in a window. Think about it.

This if kinda fun; we talk about all sorts of problems with canoes and canoeing but I don't think this has ever come up before!

Best Wishes, Rob
Oldie, you have a good point there, I am hesitant to leave the boat with someone I don't know. I may ask the guide service I worked for to see, he may, I just would feel bad about it because he was trying to clear up some space so he was selling some of his boats.

I finish my finals on Tuesday so we're heading down then. I'll let you know what happens.
Well Guys, Jonathan's done with the finals now and probably on the road. Remember when we were young? Has a girlfriend and an open road in front of him and the future looks bright. God bless and keep him.

Now that's one young feller I'd be glad to hear from again!

Feeling very old...