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an article about a wood canvas canoe builder here in town,

Jun 12, 2012
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Appleton, Maine
Here's an article about a neighbor of mine who builds and restores wood canvas canoes. I bought my first wood canvas canoe from him many years ago, a 16' Chestnut Pal which I have tripped with exclusively since.
When I was in the market for my first wood canvas canoe, I remember him telling me how much he enjoyed seeing a canoe he restored coming back years later needing attention cause the owner had used it hard tripping. It made him just as disappointed to restore a canoe that was put on a mantel for show, never to be used as it was built for.
He's a good neighbor, a good citizen of our town who gives back alot, and a friend who knows more about canoes than anybody I have ever met.

What a great article, he sounds like someone who really found his niche. I'll bet he had plenty of nice things to say when he saw your canoe shop! Anytime you want to show us what you're working on this winter I know it would be interesting. I sure am impressed at your photos, those from the trip reports make you feel like your there.
Was thinking about your wood stove in your shop; were you able to lay up several cords of fire wood as a result of hurricane Sandy? I imagined trees for free across roads that they'd be glad to give you if you'd just get them out of the way!
Best Wishes, Rob
Was thinking about your wood stove in your shop; were you able to lay up several cords of fire wood as a result of hurricane Sandy? I imagined trees for free across roads that they'd be glad to give you if you'd just get them out of the way!
Best Wishes, Rob

Hi Rob,
Yes, I managed to get quite a bit of firewood from the road, and my supply from last year came from storms. Getting free firewood that I don't have to haul out of my woods makes that warmth from the wood stove all the more comforting.