• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

A Canoe Christmas commercial up there with the Budweiser Clydesdales

Nothing like a pipe and a buffalo plaid wool shirt to give instant credibility to someone’s stories. A touch of gray to the head of hair, also in the beard and a steely eyed squint would add icing to the cake.
If I were going to re-outfit myself with canoeing gear I would spend most all my money at the Frost River Store. I love going in there whenever I fly into Duluth.
Ya, I gotta admit, those Frost River packs could bring me back over from the tupperware side.

If I were going to re-outfit myself with canoeing gear I would spend most all my money at the Frost River Store. I love going in there whenever I fly into Duluth.

They are nice packs. I read where they are popular in Seattle coffee shops along with fashionable ankle boots, tight jeans, and man buns.
Most are out of stock.
If I needed another canoe pack I'd stick with Duluth packs, probably cause I'm old, cranky, and distrust anything new. :-(
A yes, Robin, the ever present Lumbersexual, the urban dude who is fashionably rustic, but would cut his foot off if he really had to use an axe.
Was in LLBean getting hiking shoes and buffalo plaid is everywhere. One huge display of ice fishing stuff with the de rigeur Buffalo Plaid scarves and shirt and. the ice augur to hold up the $40 thin leather gloves and the tip ups. And the buffalo plaid hat and other buff plaid accoutrements.
To be worn with jeans.. I have never in 21 years on my lake seen anyone ice fish in jeans.. Carhartts insulated pants or snowmobile suits rule. But then lately LLB hasn't always been about what makes sense.
When Big Business bought out Duluth Pack twenty some years ago, then started to make changes to making a cheaper, poorer quality product, the original employees, quit in mass, to start Frost River up the hill from Duluth, in the little town of Proctor, Minnesota. Since then they have moved to their current location at 1910 West Superior Street in Duluth.
I, like Robin, love my Duluth Packs, mine were made prior to their sell out to Big Biz. I have one #3 Pack that has been in continuous service since I bought it in the autumn of 1968 when I got done with my military service. I doubt that their current products with thinner canvas & leather would hold up to over a half century of hard use. I do think that Frost River waxed canvas and the Red Wing leather canoe packs would.
I have no affiliation what so ever with Frost River, just trying to save up enough cash and justify the need of one of their Grand Portage Packs. This pack is their version of the famous Canadian Woods Pack.
I think I would look pretty good stumping into the Alaska Coffee Roaster’s on a cold January day, all bundled up in my Filson’s black wool pants and red/black plaid jacket carrying that pack. Accessories would include Fisher fur trapper’s hat, beaver skin gauntlet dog musher mitts, and caribou hide mukluks with moose hide soles, clenching a church warden pipe in my teeth.
I think I would look pretty good stumping into the Alaska Coffee Roaster’s on a cold January day, all bundled up in my Filson’s black wool pants and red/black plaid jacket carrying that pack. Accessories would include Fisher fur trapper’s hat, beaver skin gauntlet dog musher mitts, and caribou hide mukluks with moose hide soles, clenching a church warden pipe in my teeth.
Amen, doesn't get any better than that.
I assume Robin liked the commercial because of the composite canoe with aluminum gunwales.

I got my Duluth Packs 40 years ago, and majored in Budweiser in college 60 years ago. Still have the Duluth packs but no Bud for 33 years.
