• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

Search results

  1. WilluCanoe

    The Sunrise River, MN Trip Report 1

    In 2020 my wife and I returned to MN after living on the East Coast for 17 years. In 2021 we moved into our current house. In 2022 I purchased a Merrimack Canoe. I ordered it in March and took possession in September. When I placed the order for the canoe, I had in mind one of my first river...
  2. WilluCanoe

    My first paddle of 2023 - Ryan Lake, Anoka County, MN

    Just a real quick paddle on a small nearby lake. Not even worth mentioning if it weren’t my fist paddle of 2023. It’s been a long and snowy winter here in Minnesota and it’s great to get back on the water!!!,
  3. WilluCanoe

    Can we thrive with mediocrity in our canoe lives?

    What does “mediocrity in our canoe lives” look like? Alternatively what does perfection in our canoe lives look like? I mean if perfection is an unblemished canoe haul, then I think there might be a little OCD going on, which is no perfection at all. Does being mediocre mean incompetence? I...
  4. WilluCanoe

    Yet Another Upstate NY'er

    Thanks for joining the site and sharing your find. $400, what a steal in this time of inflation! Plus I love the color! I am not anywhere near you, but if you ever get up to the great north woods/ BWCA, reach out we can set up a fun trip.
  5. WilluCanoe

    Dog Stories

    Those were great dog stories. Thanks for sharing!
  6. WilluCanoe

    Photo of the day

    Love that you took the time for a Christmas Paddle!
  7. WilluCanoe

    Photo of the day

    They grow up fast.
  8. WilluCanoe

    Photo of the day

    Your partner looks like he is glad you brought him.
  9. WilluCanoe

    Photo of the day

    What brand is your canoe?
  10. WilluCanoe

    Photo of the day

    October 15, Fall trip on Ryan Lake in Linwood township, MN
  11. WilluCanoe

    Is it legal to make composite canoe off an existing design?

    that’s not how it works. First, they would be legally entitled to all the money you made off the sales of their trademarked/copyright/patent protected design/product. If they found out someone was selling a trademarked/copyright/patent item, the company would issue a cease and desist letter. If...
  12. WilluCanoe

    Photo of the day

    Where is this? The only place in Florida I know of that is this clear is Rainbow Springs or Ginnie Springs.
  13. WilluCanoe

    New Canoe

    The paddles are made by Sanborn Canoe. The paddles are the “Sam’s Special,” design, and I love them. They made using walnut and cherry woods with fiberglass reinforcement. Sanborn Canoe Sanborn is the current owner of Merrimack canoes. It’s a neat company and a neat shop.
  14. WilluCanoe

    New Canoe

    All, I just picked my new Merrimack canoe last weekend and took it out on its maiden voyage on the small lake that our house backs up to. It’s a great canoe, a blend of tradition and state of the art. The hull is make out of Kevlar and carbon fiber, with gel coat finish. The ribs, gunwales...
  15. WilluCanoe

    A long trip

    I did a 3 day weekend trip in VA west of DC. It was about 12-14 years ago and my brother set it up, so I don’t remember the name of the river. Also, you may want to check out western Maryland or even eastern West Virginia. The Susquehanna in Pennsylvania may be a good option. I know none of...
  16. WilluCanoe

    Solitude isn't for everyone

    I would imagine that peoples responses would fall along introvert vs extrovert lines. Just to be clear, the best definition of the difference between the two that I have heard is this. Introverts get recharged when alone. Extrovert’s get recharged when with other people. If you are looking to...
  17. WilluCanoe

    Minn 3 Rebuild

    Wow! That looks like a lot of work, but once you finish it I can imagine it will all be worth it. I got to believe when you put so much effort into taking it from what it was to what it is going to be, the paddling will be that much more enjoyable.
  18. WilluCanoe

    Kneeling Part 1

    Thanks all!!!
  19. WilluCanoe

    Kneeling Part 1

    What is a saddle?
  20. WilluCanoe

    Another Minnesotan

    John, I ordered a Merrimack Tennessean 14 1/2 foot. It is pretty versatile as it can be easily maned solo or tandem. It is also a piece of artwork, in my opinion. In the past I have done canoeing and camping, but this time I hope to take advantage of more day /weekend trips. More time on...