• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

Search results

  1. D

    Simple Meal Ideas

    I'm more like big Al I guess, for the main course I usually bring steak, venison, wild pig, venison sausage, etc or catch it along the way. When I get time to spend outdoors I try not to integrate processed foods into an otherwise organic experience if I can help it. Naturally the longer the...
  2. D

    AI and on-line posers

    best I can tell AI has not altered or invalidated the "garbage-in garbage-out" maxim. Use at your own risk...
  3. D

    Stuff you don't need or hardly ever use, but you bring anyway

    like many or most I started out as more of a minimalist, both by nature and the fact that I had little money to acquire all that I may have wanted anyway. But have endured many or perhaps enough "adventures" over the years that I rarely forget certain basic essentials, which would be a knife or...
  4. D

    Shirts for canoeing and canoe camping

    abundance of biting insects and over accumulation of solar radiation in my skin usually finds me in vented long sleeve shirts these days. Accordingly I do have a variety of "designer" hunting and fishing apparel but can be seen in plain cotton and flannel too. I tend to favor somewhat loose...
  5. D

    Gators and kids

    born and raised in S. Fl 1957 in a hunting and fishing family, gators were never endangered, they were everywhere as far back as I can remember, be it wilderness everglades or the vast array of residential canals. Doesn't mean they weren't killed or poached illegally, but as a population you...
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    First time builder Ashes Solo Trip

    looks great, you're almost there!
  7. D

    A cautionary tale of deaths on Shoshone Lake in Yellowstone.

    good read, sad and sobering of course to ponder the circumstances that triggered their demise. Also hard to understand given their credentials why they weren't dressed for immersion under those conditions.
  8. D

    A Question about Folding Saws

    usually when people break silky saw blades its from pushing the blade into the wood instead of only applying pressure while pulling through the cut. Use them the way they were designed and you shouldn't have any problems. I have literally thousands of cuts between my pocketboy and gomboy, still...
  9. D

    A Question about Folding Saws

    I have a few silky saws, pocketboy, gomboy curve 240 and a katana 650. Pocket boy was my first silky, going on about 6 years I guess. Gets used a lot camping and hunting because I always have it on my belt or in my pack. Pocketboy and a sturdy enough knife to baton with or small hatchet will do...
  10. D

    A traditional canoe camping trip

    very nice, makes me want to be there, dig the no dialog too, nature doesn't need narration.
  11. D

    New Hemlock Peregrine owner

    beautiful canoe and outing, congrats. I'm still enjoying my peregrine, will be 6 years this month since I got it from another member on the site.
  12. D

    Extended Tripping in a Merlin 2?

    I recently bought a damaged merlin 2 from a buddy clearing out his garage. Haven't done any extended events with it, but have used it quite a bit as a hunting and fishing "beater" canoe. Perhaps a bit snobby of me given the canoe's lineage, but its already damaged goods. Given what I paid for it...
  13. D

    Which Esquif?

    I don't know squat about esquif but these guys did a 35 day Labrador crossing in a pair of canyons. One team wrapped their canoe up at 03:12:17. It looked like it was destroyed but they managed to get unwrapped and out of the water, straightened out the crease and continued on. Looks like...
  14. D

    Physical Conditioning for Canoe Tripping

    I agree with this too. While I am not a seasoned canoe tripper by any stretch I have been mostly active and athletic my entire life. I've slowed down rolling into my mid 60's now, but still in very good shape, esp after losing quite a bit of "living too large" weight over the past few years...
  15. D

    Pole, paddle, push and pull your way over ice

    I guess you really wanted to get out in that canoe! :)
  16. D

    Refinishing wood gunwales

    http://www.hemlockcanoe.com/warranty-care--storage.html Teak Oil
  17. D

    Portage, campsite and other signs (of civilization)

    Al, the weather forecast can have a lot to do with how crowded ENP may be on any given week as well as proximity to major holidays, etc. Either way its going to be the "locals" that overload the "circuits" so to speak vs those travelling from afar. If you experienced light crowds any time during...
  18. D

    Portage, campsite and other signs (of civilization)

    My beloved Everglades National Park is an example of "sacrificed" camp sites. Sadly LNT is not particularly well observed IME, primarily the ground sites only because its hard to leave anything behind on the chickee's that isn't blown into the water and carried off by the tide... Not long...
  19. D

    Savage River Falcon Decked Canoe for Sale

    is it free? if so I'll take it... :)
  20. D

    Portage, campsite and other signs (of civilization)

    I understand the need or desire for signage and modest amenities for the masses. Me personally, I hate it. I much prefer a wilderness experience, which is next to impossible these days, esp in the lower 48. Basic map and compass skills or a GPS can be used to eliminate otherwise needless...