• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

Search results

  1. riverstrider

    Roach River, Maine

    While randomly "watching" a playlist of my favorite canoe trips while trying to fall asleep amidst a blinding full moon last night, one theoretical trip I have yet to do intruded on my thoughts. It was a trip I thought to do 4 or 5 years ago, but never had a chance to look into it and it sorta...
  2. riverstrider

    Looking for Chesuncook Village info

    I know I have read here that there is public access to Chesuncook Lake from Graveyard Point in the village, which I am aware of (and have paddled past a few times), but it is not clear to me whether it is OK to park vehicles on the point there overnight. We are hoping to use that as the starting...
  3. riverstrider

    The key to enjoying your wilderness trip is....

    ...keeping your car keys dry! I often formulate new canoe tripping rules based on the unfortunate experiences of other canoeing friends of mine. One recently had an experience that left me with a new Rule to live by. He recently completed a solo canoe trip in the North Maine Woods. He had left...
  4. riverstrider

    Saranac Lakes over Columbus Day Weekend

    iI've been going stir crazy with this February weather, and needed to something about it. So I wrote this trip report! I intended it to be rather brief, but for me the magic is in the details, so it kinda got away from me. Hopefully you don't mind. This past fall, I was invited by a friend to...
  5. riverstrider

    A first-ever canoe trip across the State of Rhode Island

    This past July I completed an epic trip, and it deserves an epic trip report. I therefore ask for patience over the weeks as I get it put here. I probably won’t even get the first couple days on here before I head off on another vacation, but hope is eternal and so will be the wait unless I...
  6. riverstrider

    Lake Champlain by Solo Canoe: October 6-8

    Paddlers & Boats: Chuck: Hemlock SRT Mike: Mad River Explorer 16 Tommy: Bell Magic Jim: Mad River Guide After constantly monitoring the forecasts, and agonizing over our trip choice, we made the call to go for Lake Champlain to take advantage of a “ginormous” (NWS terminology, not mine)...
  7. riverstrider

    A Saranac River (NY) NFCT Trip Report

    Paddlers: Mike & Bill (OC-2): Mad River Explorer 17 Chuck (OC-1): Mad River Explorer 16 Jim (OC-1): Mad River Tahoe Tommy (OC-1): Swift Osprey Jeff (OC-1): Bell Yellowstone June 19, 2011: Even though one of our group didn’t caravan up with the rest of us, the fifth, Tommy, pulled in to the...
  8. riverstrider

    Greetings from Little Rhody

    Hello, everybody! My name is Chuck and I am a recovering kayakaholic while still remaining an aquaholic. My current passion is canoe tripping, and I was psyched to see Willis create this...although I have solo paddled many trips, it was always with others, so I didn't really check into the...