• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

Search results

  1. Glenn MacGrady

    Weatherproof Gear Boxes and Cases

    What kind of weatherproof hard box or case do you use to keep water and other weather from your electronics, photographic equipment, camp kitchen, or just any gear in general? This article lists some options: https://paddlingmag.com/gear/accessories/bags-boxes-cases-packs/camping-gear-box/ I...
  2. Glenn MacGrady

    Music for the drive to, during, or the drive back from canoe trips?

    What kind of music do you like to listen to on long drives to and from canoe trips, and, if you do so, while paddling or in camp? As a more specific subset of this topic, you could list favorite canoe related music as Kevin Callan did in this article...
  3. Glenn MacGrady

    2024 Hemlock Canoe Weekly Demo Nights Begin May 21

    Tuesday May 21 is the start of the Hemlock Canoe weekly demo nights on Canadice Lake, NY, from 5:30 pm until dark at the south boat launch. Dave Curtis will have all of his canoe models available for demo paddling. Try out, play with and talk about canoes...
  4. Glenn MacGrady

    How to drill canoe lining holes through foam-filled air tanks?

    We've just had a thread by @Black_Fly showing, with a list of tools and components, how he drilled lining holes through stems with empty air tanks. But suppose the tanks were filled with foam, as some are. How would you tool and DIY folks best and neatly do that task?
  5. Glenn MacGrady

    Bent top arm more powerful and efficient than straight top arm

    In this short video, Tuperia King, both a long distance and sprint world champion who uses the Tahitian forward stoke technique, explains why your top arm should be bent on the recovery and catch rather than straight. A bent arm allows you to put more down pressure on the paddle with your slight...
  6. Glenn MacGrady

    Video: Low Brace Practice Tips

    In an outrigger canoe, which is the fastest open canoe as well as the most exciting to surf waves with. It's unfortunate that this wonderful type of canoe hasn't caught on more outside of the U.S. west coast as day paddling and exercise craft. Plus no correction strokes or side switching...
  7. Glenn MacGrady

    Things you've lost or misplaced on a canoe trip . . .

    . . . and found again or never found. In the early 1980s, I lost my big Bill's Bag full of all my gear when rescuing my Mad River Explorer from being pinned at the head of class 5 Coal Mine Falls on the Eel River in California. I had dumped in the previous class 3 rapid and was rescued by a...
  8. Glenn MacGrady

    Building the New Canadian Canoe Museum

    An in-depth article on the construction of the new museum with lots of pictures. Anyone been there yet? https://paddlingmag.com/stories/features/new-canadian-canoe-museum-opening/
  9. Glenn MacGrady

    Canoeist Survives Underwater Gunfight On Amazon River

    “The cool thing about Chimborazo,” explains Bathgate, “is if you measure from the center of the Earth to the summit, it’s the farthest distance from the center of the Earth on the planet.” That’s because it’s located right on the equator, which matters because the Earth’s equatorial diameter is...
  10. Glenn MacGrady

    Guide To Canoe Tripping In Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota

    This is a very detailed article about this gem of a paddling place, which is an apparent alternative to the BWCA. ". . . the interior of Voyageurs National Park in northernmost Minnesota remains accessible only by watercraft. Nearly 40 percent of this unique national park’s 218,000 acres is...
  11. Glenn MacGrady

    New purchases that have been great, even game changers

    We've complained about lousy boats and gear. In this thread, let's discuss some new purchases that have turned out really well, that you really like, or have even become game changers for your canoeing or canoe camping. I haven't bought much new equipment lately that I've used a lot, but I...
  12. Glenn MacGrady


    Unmentionables. Bloomers. Pantaloons. We've got to mention them for canoe trips, and give some recommendations on material, price and brands. Yes, it depends on climate, so you can discuss that. Boxers, briefs or long johns for all climates? In summertime, does the the fabric need to come...
  13. Glenn MacGrady

    Twig Stoves: Experiences, Opinions and Pictures

    I've been exclusively a Jet Boil type of stove guy in the 21st century, but in 2020 during Covid I decided I would get both a twig stove and an alcohol stove backup for trips I was planning. So, I got a stainless steel Firebox Nano + X-case Kit with an optional Nano Fuel Plate and Nano Flame...
  14. Glenn MacGrady

    What do you use for a table?

    When you're canoe camping or portaging and there's not one where you're eating or camping. As a kitchen minimalist who only eats cold snacks and boils water to cook dehydrated foods, I've never needed a table or used anything other than the ground or an available rock or stump for one. Never...
  15. Glenn MacGrady

    Jet Engine and Hydrofoil Canoes

    Failed and sort of successful attempts to power a canoe with jet engines. So, why didn't the engineer simply weight down the bow for level trim and higher speed, given that hull speed in knots equals 1.34 x the square root of the waterline length in feet. ********************** This very...
  16. Glenn MacGrady

    22 "Best" Paddling Outfitters in Minnesota

    "In addition to highlighting 10 great places to paddle, this article will help you find nearby outfitters for all your rental and guiding needs." https://paddlingmag.com/trips/destinations/kayak-rentals-minnesota/
  17. Glenn MacGrady

    2024 Adirondack Freestyle Canoe Symposium, July 18-21

    The 2024 event will be held at Paul Smiths, NY, in tandem with the WCHA Assembly. Note that registration for food and lodging must be made through the WCHA. All details at the following link: https://freestylecanoeing.com/adirondack-canoe-symposium/
  18. Glenn MacGrady

    The Largest Paddle-Only Lake in North America

    "Murtle Lake [in Wells Gray Park, British Columbia] is the largest paddle-only lake in North America and has many beautiful sandy beaches and backcountry campsites for you to explore. This world-class and pristine lake offers one of the best backcountry paddle experiences in British Columbia...
  19. Glenn MacGrady

    Alan Gage is now a site Moderator

    Alan Gage, a long-time member and contributor with broad canoeing experience, has graciously agreed to help out by becoming the site's first-ever moderator. The "Super" in his Super Moderator title is Xenforo lingo for a moderator who can moderate all forums. While there's not much to actually...
  20. Glenn MacGrady

    Nova Craft will offer new Angler 15' canoe this summer
