• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

Recent content by Tryin'

  1. Tryin'

    Skillet Cornbread

    Oh, duh... lol. 😅 I almost never cook in the backcountry and tend to forget that others do. Yeah, a reckon powered could work, though I can't say I have tried it.
  2. Tryin'

    Skillet Cornbread

    I make this in a skillet, not sure if that's what you mean. It's a great base batter, and highly adaptable.
  3. Tryin'

    Amok Draumr Hammock

    Very forgiving. The most unbalanced bit is bridging into a sleeping bag or when you lean waaaaay forward to zip the bug net. I can reach the ridgeline from any position to steady myself. I have only gone out forward, you are darn near vertical before it passes the point of no return. If your...
  4. Tryin'

    Source for small adhesive D-rings

    Rutabaga has them. https://www.rutabagashop.com/products/2-d-ring-anchor
  5. Tryin'

    Northern lights

    Just kidding, they were actually pretty good in central Indiana, despite high level clouds.
  6. Tryin'

    What do you use for a table?

    I use a Nemo Moonlander. It's bombproof and super simple to set up, but has a pretty big weight penalty. It makes a nice, strong flat spot in the pack, bottom or back, that makes things carry a bit better. The no-legs height is great for pads or cots, and the legs bring it up perfect for a...
  7. Tryin'

    Twig Stoves: Experiences, Opinions and Pictures

    Unabashed stovaholic here. My overall favorite twig stove is the Firebox G2 Titanium. Light enough to pack every trip, big enough to warm up over and dry things out. Lots of versatility in fuel use, including charcoal, pellets, alcohol, and iso. You need a burner for alcohol and iso, but it...
  8. Tryin'

    Plus size canoeing?

    You will find it heavy and stable. There are many other facets of aluminum canoes that warrant consideration, but you will find it stable.
  9. Tryin'

    Plus size canoeing?

    6'3" 320# guy here. At typical female heights, 5'2"-5'8", 265 is going to sit high and wide compared to the boats center of gravity. Girthy bodies also move and react to movement much differently than lean bodies. You will likely find any dedicated flatwater solo to be rather unstable. Look for...
  10. Tryin'

    Tarp type and set-up style, and let's see some pix

    Depends on what the conditions demand. Tarps are pretty flexible pieces of kit. I don't know that I've ever not been able to set one up.
  11. Tryin'

    GoPro types vs. traditional cameras

    What is your channel name? I love small channels.
  12. Tryin'

    Video: Tandem Canoe Trip on Yukon River from Whitehorse to Dawson

    Canoe the North has several very high quality videos from the north country. Thanks for sharing!
  13. Tryin'

    Hemlock SRT Solo Canoe Review

    Thank you!
  14. Tryin'

    Hemlock SRT Solo Canoe Review

    Does anyone have any experience with the Northstar Polaris in solo mode vs the SRT? I loved the polaris, except for the seat height, but I don't have an SRT near me. I am also looking at the Clipper Caribou S, but that's even worse for availability.
  15. Tryin'

    Canoecopia 2024

    Current schedule: