• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

Recent content by Mississippi Mud

  1. M

    Are there any multiple day trips in the South East with good camping access?

    An FYI on Black and Red in Mississippi: I paddled both two decades ago, and they're wonderful blackwater streams. I was considering taking my son down there for a trip last year, and when I spoke to one of the outfitters, he told me that catalytic converter theft had gotten so bad at the...
  2. M

    Are there any multiple day trips in the South East with good camping access?

    Hi Woodsouth. Welcome aboard! I know you didn't mention Arkansas and Missouri, but the Ozark National Scenic Riverway is a gem. Add the Eleven Point River as well. While the Current gets lots of usage, the Jacks Fork and the Eleven Point are often little used during the week. When I do...
  3. M

    Weatherproof Gear Boxes and Cases

    Different usages/trip styles come into play here, I think. I'm not usually on rivers that require anything more than one short portage, such as a low water bridge or a downed tree. Most of my trips are on calmer rivers (Class I/easy II's), so that affords me a heavier load, and I like to cook...
  4. M

    Weatherproof Gear Boxes and Cases

    I have the smaller NRS box as well and, as you said, it's great for a camp kitchen. It's good to hear about the Yeti Sidekick; I was thinking about picking one up for just that use.
  5. M

    Prospector in Whitewater/Ollie Sandeman Video

    Great video of a Nova Craft Prospector 16 paddled solo in whitewater. Ollie Sandeman is head of paddling instruction at Plas Y Brenin in Wales.
  6. M

    Music for the drive to, during, or the drive back from canoe trips?

    Never listen to music on the river or out in the woods, but always on the way. Blue Mountain's Dog Days is a standard for me, especially their song "Blue Canoe":
  7. M

    Recommendations for River Touring Canoe Courses?

    I wanted to second the great report on NOC's whitewater canoe courses above. Last summer, my twenty-year-old son and I received two days of instruction from Will, and he was not only a great instructor but great company. He's quite good at assessing skill levels and tailoring instruction...
  8. M

    Missing a paddling year

    I wish I possessed the inclination and talent to build anything beyond the rudimentary, but, regrettably, neither are in my quiver. However, I'm making progress on assembling some new shelves in the garage and re-sorting my gear, so that's been good.
  9. M

    Missing a paddling year

    You have some great friends, scoutergriz. None of the folks in my current paddling circle really do any tripping, so my trips are solo or with my son. When I can get other people to accompany us, I'm usually the one pulling the load. I think I need some new friends.
  10. M

    Missing a paddling year

    I'm sure others have experienced the disappointment that comes with not being able to paddle for an extended time because of an injury, illness, or other extenuating circumstance. Well, that will be me this year. Late last summer and early fall, I fell ill and skipped several planned trips...
  11. M

    What are you reading?

    Gullies of My People by John Lane, author of Chattooga: Descending into the Myth of Deliverance River. I'll encourage everyone to read him as not only is he a very good writer but also a good fella.
  12. M

    What do you use for a table?

    Depends on the type of trip I'm taking really. Back in the late 80's and 90's, we often did two pickle buckets with an inverted canoe on top. Made for a great table if there wasn't too much rocker. I also have a portable REI table much like the one Cheeseandbeans posted. I've also used the...
  13. M

    Paddling and Poling on the White River in VT

    Always enjoy your trip photos, Erik. They're always motivational . . . for new boat acquisitions.
  14. M


    Like several folks who already posted, I use a Thermorest Compressible which I like a lot, but it only compresses so much and it's definitely a luxury. I've been eyeing the Goosefeet Gear Down Pillow lately, though. Anybody here use one? https://goosefeetgear.com/products/down-pillows/
  15. M

    Commemoration Hatchet

    Those are good-looking tools, Michael.