OK, broken legs, that's right, plural, meaning two.
But before I go into that, I want to mention my new chair. After studying Old Coach's Helinox, and realizing it would cost too much to build one, I bought a Helinox Chair One for what I thought was a decent price, $80, no tax, no shipping. Well, as I'm setting it up to endless ridicule, our South African buddy (coolest accent ever) pulls out his Helinox knock off, $27 on Amazon!!
We place the chairs side by side, they sure look identical. Of course this leads to more ridicule.
Well, as the evening progressed past dinner, we sat around a warm campfire and our buddy on the fake Helinox seemed to be sinking lower and lower.
He stands up and inspects his chair to find one leg bent at an awkward angle. His attempt to straighten the leg resulted in the first fracture!
To avoid cutting the elastic cord that holds all the legs together, he borrows my nephews brand new Gerber multi tool. The plan is to use the pliers to fracture the short piece of broken leg and remove it. This resulted in the broken jaw...on the pliers.
At least now it was easier to tell the chairs apart!
Sometime later that evening, you just know what's gonna happen. Sure enough, buddy bends, then fractures the other leg! At least he's not sitting crooked any more.
I have to back up for a moment, dinner was provided courtesy of Kelly, Kettle that is. Between the home dried meals and snacks, and the Kelly Kettle, it has become just too easy. These things boil water faster than any other fuel stove I have ever used!