I have bungee bow and stern on all our canoes to hold down lengths of painter line. For that purpose I much prefer a sizable deck plate and a / \ of bungee. And a decent sized drain hole at the very tip.
PC180150 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
But the tiny deck caps used on some composite hulls stymie me. I usually end up with a short, keel line run of bungee, and a smaller drain hole than I would like.
Plus I am accustomed to securing the painter under and between two runs of bungee, and pulling it straight out the same way, so it is never accidentally wrapped under a bungee. With a single bungee run I grab guess which side wrong half the time. Son of a . . . . .guessed wrong again.
I have tried bungee across the top of the carry thwart, but that is not very comfortable, especially with tubular aluminum. When I want to really grasp the carry thwart, with fingers wrapped around and pulling for all I am worth, I have to drop the painter line loose. Inconvenient at best, and maybe loose rope dangerous at worst.
There are a lot of tripping canoes out there with undersized deck caps. Someone must have come up with a better painter keeper system for use with small deck caps. Anyone?

But the tiny deck caps used on some composite hulls stymie me. I usually end up with a short, keel line run of bungee, and a smaller drain hole than I would like.
Plus I am accustomed to securing the painter under and between two runs of bungee, and pulling it straight out the same way, so it is never accidentally wrapped under a bungee. With a single bungee run I grab guess which side wrong half the time. Son of a . . . . .guessed wrong again.
I have tried bungee across the top of the carry thwart, but that is not very comfortable, especially with tubular aluminum. When I want to really grasp the carry thwart, with fingers wrapped around and pulling for all I am worth, I have to drop the painter line loose. Inconvenient at best, and maybe loose rope dangerous at worst.
There are a lot of tripping canoes out there with undersized deck caps. Someone must have come up with a better painter keeper system for use with small deck caps. Anyone?