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tie down straps

Jul 11, 2014
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Ontario Canada
My wife and I spent last weekend at my brother and s-i-l 's attending a music festival. Rock, blues, and whatever else gets you on your feet dancing. On Sunday morning with hours to wait till the gates open again we got to talking about their road trip west the next morning. "Surely you're taking your kayak (for his sins) with you?! That tandem yak will be so much fun for you two between here and the Rockies." The answer was "No. And don't call me Shirley." He didn't feel comfortable without a full compliment of straps, rope and whatnot. He being a stubborn curmudgeonly young cuss meant using strategy to trick him into saying yes. We knew what he needed (all of which he already had in his garage), so I suggested he could "probably make his own...if he were handy enough." That did the trick.
We cut up old washing machine tubing, sliced it and grommeted, and my s-i-l sewed it. We even made enough for me too. It was fast and easy. We still made it through the festival gates in time for a morning beer and dance on the lawn. Rock on summer!

These straps slip into door frames securely.



These are fastened under the hood hidden away until needed.


These are nothing new, I'm sure you've seen and done this all before. Just a little downtime tinkering on a Sunday.
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Looks good! I have the same for my mazda3... except there is nothing but plastic under the hood so I have the hose ones all around

Thanks Odyssey, this motivated me to make the 5 pairs of under-hood tie down straps I promised for friends and family. I've never made the hose type, I don't really need them, but I know a couple people that do.
