• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨


Yeah. I made a couple... one for here in LA, one at my parents house in NY. stole NWWoodsman's plans off his website, and they work pretty good... nothing fancy, quick to build, sturdy. my concession to "gotta fiddle with it" was to put a cleat on the bottom to keep it up off the dirt, which comes in handy in a damp climate.
There was a guy in Ontario who built a pretty decent one with a locking lid. I made two a couple of years ago and after doing a few trips with them decided I would reserve them for car camping trips. Too dang heavy and awkward to port. Not nearly as convenient as I thought it would be. But, as I type this I recall that on my last outing I was trying to figure out a way to stop crushing my pots. Hmmmmm