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Some freeze dry alternatives

Jun 27, 2016
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If you're a fan of the sushi bar try miso soup just take hot water add dashi (a dried fish base stock available even were I live) Miso paste and nori (dried seaweed) add 1 teaspoon dashi and miso paste to 2 cups of water crumble a sheet or 2 of nori adjust to taste and your having the appetizer. Taca Don is a rice bowl so add 1/2 cup short grain rice to a little less than 1 cup water and a pinch of salt, bring to a boil cover and remove from heat keep cover for 25 minutes and no peeking. Yes you want to get this started before the soup. Now when its ready top with furikake (japanese sesame seaweed rice topping mix sold in shaker bottles) and fried fish and you're on your way. in 35 minutes 15 if you just cook the soup.If you pick up some frozen tuna or swordfish for the first day sear quickly dice and place on top.

Dry cheeses like romano or parmigiano will last forever if kept dry. Good dry sausage will not have a keep refrigerate statement on the label and also keeps forever if dry. Dice or sliver some dried sausage fry with onion and garlic add 1 cup water sun dried tomatoes (thinly sliced) and a dash chicken stock concentrate or bullion cube powdered soup base add this over the pasta you've been cooking and top with shavings of romano or parmigiano. 25 minutes

If you have some short grain rice fry in a little oil add onion, mix some stock with water and start to add to rice the ratio of liquid to rice is 2 to 1 but you'll go a far amount over. keep stirring and adding more liquid as you go. Dried mushrooms or sausage can be added with the liquid when the rice is to your liking
(should be loose and creamy) top with romano or parmigiano and enjoy.

With pita's or heated corn soft tortillas heat the slivered sausage top with romano or parmigiano rap adding whatever's at hand. I like young Plantain leaf in this finely slivered. 10 minutes

Mix a bag of turmeric 5 tablespoons, cumin 5 tablespoons, garam masala 1 tablespoon bag and throw in your kitchen. In the indian food section pick up some caramelized onion and dried unsweetened coconut flakes and whatever else interests you. the morning before you plan to make your curry take some of your hot coffee water and soak the dried coconut flake (1 part coconut to 4 parts water) in a baby food jar like container seal it and forget till supper time. Add oil powdered ginger, garlic and tomato paste with about a cup of onion. Lightly fry until the mixture comes together of if you're hungry till its warm. add fresh fish sausage lentils chickpeas or whatever you have on hand and finish with coconut milk you can strain or leave as is. Serve over rice. If you like it spicy add chillies at the beginning. takes 30 minutes.

If you want the meals in 15 minutes use instant rice or fresh pasta
backcountry risotto!
I made about a gallon of miso soup.. Now I have to figure out how to dehydrate it. I made it for class and have too much left. Maybe reduce it to a syrup and dehydrate.
I wish I could help but I have no Idea, Maybe freeze it and if you get up to the rock you can call it dolce soup. I use to think about learning to dehydrate but a friend of mine was much better than I so it was just left it up to her. I seem to have forgotten to mention that the baggy with the spice in the kitchen pack which goes in with the homemade coconut milk 1 teaspoon to start and adjust to taste. Good luck with miso.
now dulse is not a problem. Just go to the shore and grab some and leave it out to dry. I had fried dulce last weekend after canoeing all day.. Pretty good. On the Rock I would have to add scallop.