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Poll: How many alcoholic "drinks" per day on a canoe trip?

Poll: How many alcoholic "drinks" per day on a canoe trip?

  • None

    Votes: 20 52.6%
  • 1

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • 2

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • 3

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • 4

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • 5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • 7 or more

    Votes: 3 7.9%

  • Total voters
Pretty good but everyday wine now comes in boxes. In the US its a 3 liter box for the better wine for about $18 ( in Maine). A five liter box of inferior wine is about 12 bucks.

You can also get 500 ml and 1 liter "cartons" of wine, when you want a smaller amount.

Looks like Robin might have to draw a line in the sand for his upcoming fall ADK group trip...drinkers vs abstainers. Big social experiment, by default.

What I have found over the years is that I don't typically enjoy a group trip during camp time if I am the only non-drinker and likewise if you are one of the abstainers, you find the getting into the cups behavior slightly incomprehensible and annoying.

Moderation often seems to be lacking.

From about age 45 on I seemed more often to fall into the take it or leave it category* (when also I regularly started to travel with my own teens and boy scout groups) and often my companions dictate for me whether it's a dry or wet trip and the degree of moderation or intoxication.

*Been told I exhibit a particularly reprehensible form of drinking...I'll take your booze if you are offering it, but I almost never have enough of my own (if any) to share out...:p
Looks like Robin might have to draw a line in the sand for his upcoming fall ADK group trip...drinkers vs abstainers. Big social experiment, by default.

What I have found over the years is that I don't typically enjoy a group trip during camp time if I am the only non-drinker and likewise if you are one of the abstainers, you find the getting into the cups behavior slightly incomprehensible and annoying.

I agree that camping with drinkers can be uncomfortable for non-drinkers. I've never had to leave a group because of the issue since I've been dry for the past 28 years, but I will sometimes retire to my own tent or space early in the evening.

Since the poll is now split exactly 50-50 between boozers and teetotalers, Robin could set up a cocktail site and a designated paddlers site. Maybe one gets the island.
You can also get 500 ml and 1 liter "cartons" of wine, when you want a smaller amount.

Yah and the per ounce cost is stupid.. And those little boxes that get soggy on a canoe trip. The big ones are bad enough. We almost had one 3 liter bag make it through an Allagash trip before the rains and wet got it.

I don't really care if its a drinking or non drinking group as long as the purpose of the trip is to canoe and to enjoy the sounds of Nature that do not involve emesis and excessive peeing. If the group is using the trip as a "reason" to drink I am out.
I've developed a survival strategy over which I only have some control of consumption; my over indulging scenario goes something like this : 1) I talk a little more. 2) I laugh a little louder, and then 3) I take a nap. I can control 1 & 2, but have no control whatsoever of 3. Volumes may vary over a few hours, anywhere from one solitary beer or glass of wine to several. "Hey! HA HA!! Ever hear the one about the priest, the rabbi and the gunslinger?! They walk into a bar and..." zzzzzzzzz.
Booze on a canoe trip is the last thing I consider and is always seen as a luxury. I won't turn the car around if I've forgotten my whiskey, but whatever you do don't forget the eggs, bannock mix and coffee.
Oh heck I just skip over 1 and 2 and go straight to 3. Thats good cause in years past I could get stuck on 1 and 2 and 3 came too late for the pounding headache and swollen fuzz tongue next day.
My last trip to ON, I brought a six pack of Amber Ales and a bottle of Cabernet. Had one beer at each dinner, gave two away and never opened the wine. Just too busy to get toasted and wanted to be fresh in the AM.
I was never a big W.C. Fields fan and he is wrong. I feel terrible when I get up and feel better as the day progresses, and I don't even have to drink to feel better.

sorry to ruffle your feathers there buddy, that was a joke he told often. I still happen to think its actually pretty funny and steeped in some truth too. Not sure how you can say he's wrong tho. Maybe you need a drink :)
sorry to ruffle your feathers there buddy, that was a joke he told often. I still happen to think its actually pretty funny and steeped in some truth too. Not sure how you can say he's wrong tho. Maybe you need a drink :)

No ruffled feathers here. Never saw anything funny about him, sad, but not funny. Some people don't like me now (and that's OK) but, back when I was a drinker, lots of people didn't like me at all.
I have no problems if those I'm with want to have a few. Sometimes it's actually entertaining.
This Gallup poll published yesterday reports that 38% of the U.S. population totally abstains from alcohol, whereas our survey currently indicates that 49% of our members totally abstain on canoe trips.


Of course, our poll doesn't distinguish between respondents who are U.S., Canadian or other, and only applies on canoe trips, though several of our abstainers have said they abstain all the time.

Gallup also found that beer remains the booze of choice, in particular 62% among men and 19% among women.


I'm not surprised that a group with outdoor interests and a median age in the mid to high 50's would be less inclined to drink alcohol than the general U.S. population. Perhaps others of you have a different reaction and would like to comment on whether there is any connection.
Gallup Poll.
Interesting. Judging from the empties I pick up along the roads, Canadian Mist with a Bud light chaser seems to be the poison of choice. The younger generation seems to prefer the nitrous oxide in Reddi Whip cans. No kidding, I found a bag of 12 empties along the road. Empty of propellant that is.