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I finally learned something...

Mar 22, 2024
Reaction score
Newtown, CT
Last season, my lower back started tightening up after about 2 hours on the water. Not enough to stop me, but bothersome enough to make me constantly wiggle around looking for the sweet spot to stop the discomfort. No joy. I would stop and stretch out my lower back, buying me maybe only another 20 minutes without discomfort. Then I remembered that a physical therapist told me to strengthen my "core" in order to give my lower back support. So I started doing planks, leg lifts, ab rollers, etc and after about 3 weeks the pain completely stopped. I kept up the routine all winter and when I started back on the water a week ago, no pain. In fact I can feel my stronger core giving my stroke more power.

Considering how many years I've been paddling, I guess I'm not too old to learn something new. Or maybe too dumb to learn something obvious?
I would say "good physio therapist" and good that you remembered what it said to you.
Sometimes it just takes a little push from an outsider to be able to work on your own problem.
If you feel better afterwards - all the better.