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Black River Sled, bought one!

Oct 6, 2014
Reaction score
Long Island NY
Tossing and turning these last few weeks during the heat wave thinking about winter. Ahh, the crist cool air, no humidity, no bugs, cool air to beathe. Canvas tent, wood stove, new traditional snowshoes, reading Wintertrekking posts, Ahhhh can't wait.
Last winter I built my 2 nd and 3 rd cheap plastic pulk to use on a mini CT winter gathering, only one made it back safely. Other one did its job but exposed rocks shredded it. What to do now? Yep, those Black River Sleds looked nightly nice and efficient. Toss and turn, post a wanted add on WT. hmmm, 11ft or 9ft?
After having a knee replacement and numerous scopes on other knee what am i thinking? Pulling 75-90 lbs of gear? I must be crazy!
Brrrring brrrring, hello Chris? Hi, this is David, I'd like to order a 9 ft sled! Whoo hoo! 2 weeks! Yea!

Bring on winter!
Coldfeet - Congrats on obtaining your toboggan. For what it's worth, I had my knee totally replaced 6 years ago and my winters have continued on. As long as you rehab properly, you should be good to go. Besides, having some decent snow will make all that weight just slide around without any real problems (one hopes!).

That's all for now. Take care and until next time....be well.


PS - As to the weather; 3 weeks ago our furnace kicked on four nights in a row. Yesterday we went swimming in our pond and expect to do so again this afternoon after work. Not sure what to make of it but will deal with it nonetheless; as if we have a choice (LOL).
Good move Coldfeet! That is on my short list but I haven't suffered enough just yet with my deer sled to make the purchase.
Snapper, it was worse this week than last. I finally had to get out of my room and use another teachers room for my last lesson, no learning going on with the heat but they will still count student tests for my evaluation, crazy.

GF, my cheap sled sliced open after last years gathering. The Paris sled is still good (I need to rework the connections a bit) I like that little sled for small stuff. I want to be ready to join others for that walk across the ice or back road snowmobile trails. I spoke to my friend about the trail along Long Lake in the ADK, think its the Lakeville Placid trail? I figured why not make the purchase now? Time for a Fall hot tent warm up for the winter soon!
Coldfeet - Not GreenFrog here but you're correct that the trail on the east side of Long Lake is a portion of the Northville-Lake Placid trail. You don't have to go far before you can find decent campsites. Just be aware that there has been a lot of snowmobile activity there in past years. I don't know if that makes the location a deal breaker for you but don't be surprised if you hear machines whining most of the night.

Also, in regard to the heat, on the news yesterday it was announced that the school districts in the Albany area were only going to have school for half the day due to the heat & humidity. We were up around 70% humidity for 3 days in a row with the temperatures near 90F. Without any air conditioning, the districts felt it would be safer to send the kids home early.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time....be well.
