• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

Search results

  1. M

    The Joy of (Self-Imposed) Canoe Trip Suffering

    I call a good tough trip "recreational deprivation." That does not, nor should not, encompass macing your own man parts. I did do five days through the St. Regis in June wearing a kilt and no bug spray one time, so I can't say I haven't done dumb s$%t. I would paddle out into the middle of...
  2. M

    Stay safe in this big storm ...

    We're at 40 degrees and pouring rain in Virginia. I don't know if we'll see snow this year.
  3. M

    When you can’t help but build a boat

    I got into skin-on-frames in my 30s, because I wanted to build a birch bark canoe but I lived in Virginia. So I did my damnedest to copy Adney's draughts and just started building. It coincided with me getting my life back together after a shaky decade, so I'm very fond of SOFs in general. I ran...
  4. M

    AI and on-line posers

    They've got Turing tests. Maybe we need a Touring test.
  5. M

    Stuff you don't need or hardly ever use, but you bring anyway

    I'm scared of being cold, so I overpack warm stuff. I rarely dig into it, but at this point it's ingrained into me. I've done lots of "pick out what you didn't use on your last trip and leave it next time" winnowing, but at some point, in a canoe, that extra five pounds of gear - which is a...
  6. M

    Sealskins socks

    I have pulled mine off wet many times. Apart from being the stinkiest sock in existence, they've done their job.
  7. M

    The only 3 knots you need for canoe camping

    I've never seen a Farrimond hitch before. It's like a little walking prussik. I'm happy with a tautline for tarps and lines but the farrimond does seem like it would easy to tie with numb fingers. I used to love learning new knots. I still carry an armspan of string around with me most days...
  8. M

    Moose — Stories, Photos, Videos

    I saw a bunch when a buddy and I paddled the Allagash, but never very close - maybe 80-90 yards mostly. Same buddy and I saw one in Idaho fishing two years ago. I also saw a just-happened collision in New Hampshire, driving through this summer; an f-150 had hit a cow. It looked like something...
  9. M

    The best solo canoe may be a touring kayak.

    I have no dog in this fight. I'm not even sure why it's contentious. Canoes are cool. Kayaks are cool. Building them and paddling them is a chance to learn and do and have fun. Reading up on how and why different forms of boats developed is fun. One thing kayaks have done for me recently is made...
  10. M

    Paddle making extravaganza

    I think it'd be the perfect candidate for an experimental take-down beavertail. https://www.canoetripping.net/threads/howzabouta-takedown-canoe-paddle.128727/#post-154625
  11. M

    What are you reading?

    Two great ones recently: Floating Coast, by Bathsheba Demuth - a more-or-less recent economic/ecological history of the Bering Strait As Consciousness is Harnessed to Flesh, the edited journals of Susan Sontag
  12. M

    Poll: How Many Canoes and Kayaks Have you Owned?

    I've built 13. Still have 8 of those.
  13. M

    Paddle making extravaganza

    I'll kill for that much sassafrass. I got ahold of a few chunks of it, but nothing that wide. I'm glad that stuff got into the right hands!
  14. M

    2023 Fund Drive Now On

    It'll either be a check or cash coming to you. I got rid of Paypal, too easy to spend money and regret it.
  15. M

    2023 Fund Drive Now On

    I'm in. Busy, but in.
  16. M

    Vintage "Survival in the Bush" video

    Inuit ulus and harpoons were often made of slate. Of course chert, flint, obsidian, etc were used where they were available or could be traded, the Clovis caches indicate that continent-wide trade networks were in place long before there were white people to record them. I've seen sharpened bone...
  17. M

    Vintage "Survival in the Bush" video

    I'm very curious about the "firestick". I used to be obsessed with bow drill and hand drill fires; in all my research and experimentation with those, I never saw anything like that, apart from a phillipine/southeast asian method involving bamboo.
  18. M

    Save the Moose 2023

    This is why I stick to white tails! Not a lot to carry out. Heck of a way to get out for a weekend. Thanks for sharing. I'm a huge fan of the Agawa saws. Did your friend give you several blade styles to try out?
  19. M

    Steger Designs apparel for sale

    If you were my size, all this'd be gone. GLWS.
  20. M

    Poll: Tobacco & nicotine, and canoe stories about use

    I've had a life-long aversion to suits, office jobs, and cocktail parties for exactly this reason!