• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

Search results

  1. O

    Big storm reported for you folks back East!!!

    If you can believe the news, there's a whee of a storm heading your way! I've always envied your paddling places but for this I'm glad to be where I am. If it turns out to be like the Donner Party, I've sure enjoyed knowing you all! All kidding aside, did/do you make any special preparations...
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    Final Last Word!

    Shamelessly poaching on Rippy's post about weird tombstones, if you could, what would you like to appear on your own grave marker? Planning ahead... Rob
  3. O

    Arc'n Spark'n and Bark'n...

    Trying to come up with suggestions for Brad to spend his money on, I discovered something on Amazon. Doing a search for "fire starters" they had a whole selection of those sparking rod things like we've all seen. But further down the page, Amazon offered just the rod itself. Various sizes and...
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    Trying to be open minded here; what saw do you bring.....

    If somebody was dedicated to the method of batoning wood into fire wood, what kind of saw do you bring to process the log into appropriate lengths for splitting? All the saws I've owned or ever seen, had some weakness in that parts could be lost and assembly was required. And of course they...
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    Not a Half Bad Idea...if I do say so......

    Now, you know about all the difficulties of organizing a fund raiser here for the "CanoeTripping" site. Or at least some of them. And you probably know Glenn is looking for a fixed bladed knife and the Mora knife came up a lot in the discussion. I went to the Mora site and they have a bunch of...
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    The Sharp edge....looking for reason in a fog of fad......

    I've been playing about in various retail knife web sites, looking at what they call "Hunting Knives" and "Camping Knives" and "Survival Knives". There seems to be a curious practice that has become a major developmental force in the designing of many of these blades. That of batoning wood for...
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    Fix that lantern and mend that stove!! (Coleman that is)

    I recently became aware that there is a micro sub-culture that is all wrapped up in collecting, repairing and using Coleman stoves and lanterns. Reading in their sites they seem like a friendly bunch. Anyways....one of their sources of replacement parts and advice, trouble-shooting tips and a...
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    The Other end of the telescope.....

    Bob B's search for something encouraging about Chessies and the general question of dog's for canoes, got me to thinking. A slow process, true, but I believe that some of all the blab to follow will be helpful. I sure hope so anyway. As my dogs and I go about, we are often around people who...
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    Oh, darn! What was I thinking???

    Over on the "Canoe Art" post, Christy was lamenting as how she let a prized rifle get away from her. Did that ever set up echos in my memory, hope to shout. I really don't understand how I'm so darn smart after the fact and so dumb during the commission of the stupidity. Sheer talent I guess...
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    FUND RAISING: So far it's been an Italian soap opera........

    It would be funny if the site didn't depend on funds to keep running. Now, we are all amateurs at this but there's no rule we can't get organized and come up with a method that will produce results in an orderly manner. What I propose: Two fund drives a year, on the equinox, that is 20 March...
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    Site going to close.......

    Alright, if you've been sailing along in blissful ignorance, you might want to read the post about "Donations". It sounds very much as if Robin's had it with trying to keep the site up for all of us. I've tried to support the site and Robin all along and if he decides to pull the plug I still...
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    Now, I do know this is a canoeing site, but.......

    Looking far and wide, this is the one place where there is a bunch of guys more or less like me. Don't get offended, not exactly, but often pretty close. I need advice: Turns out I'm going deaf. Have been for a long time but now it's really bad, I'm in what I think is a conversation and the...
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    Our friend Brad seems missing.....

    It's been some time now since I've had the pleasure of reading anything from Brad. It's funny, although I so enjoy reading his thoughts, I don't know how to contact him or even his last name. I did send him a PM but no answer. Now I assure you all that I'm not stalking him, but only would like...
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    Source for Quality Ottertail paddles?

    I've recently had the opportunity to try an Ottertail paddle in the length I like. Although I have a quality beavertail paddle I was surprised at how much more I liked the ottertail. There's nothing really wrong with the new paddle but still I'd like to think about getting one with just a bit...
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    Problems with local wildlife.....

    I'm at my wits end, although it's proven to be a short trip. We have a nice little pond on our property, about four years ago it started growing a kind of floating algae. Not good for several reasons. So I bought a bunch of Koi fish, although they came with a stinging price tag. The little...
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    Just the tip of the ice cube......

    I like my rubber boots just a little loose, I may be kidding myself but maybe with the slight slop the foot acts like a bellows to whoosh the air (and moisture!!) out so the feet stay dryer. For me the best boots I've ever found are the LL Beans Maine Hunting boot. You know the ones; half...
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    A silly question....

    I was struck the other day while looking at knives and axes on line, how many of them come with a hole in the handle. Often including a leather thong; I'd guess for..........what?? Now maybe it's just me, but I've never had occasion to see any value in attaching myself to an axe or my knife. It...
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    Who's the pick of the litter??

    All this talk of wood canvas canoes has got me thinking. No, it's more like lusting after a really beautiful W/C canoe. If I got another canoe I don't think she'd divorce me. Maybe. If a person was foolish enough to ignore two very functional canoes he already had and was tip-toeing...
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    Just the tip of the ice cube......

    There you are, working along on something and with the work firmly gripped in one hand, you reach for your sheath knife or maybe your Leatherman. Whoops! The dang thing has slipped along the belt and is now out of reach. When ever one of my pairs of pants is worn down to a frazzle, I salvage...
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    Message box full up....

    Every so now and again it might be a good idea to clean out your messages because if the box is full you can't get anymore in it. Especially if your name is Memaquay. Rob