• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

Recent content by JD Corry

  1. J

    Kevlar skids for Royalex ?

    I have an OT Penobscot 16 in Royalex ( circa 1987 ). The boat is in great shape but is starting to show some white ( especially after a recent low water trip on the St John ). If I read it online correctly the official Old Town Kevlar skid kit is over $400. Does anyone have a recommendation for...
  2. J

    Allagash Loop. What’s your preferred direction?

    I did this trip clockwise in May 22. I put in at Umbazookus west campsite and paddled down through Chesuncook and up Black pond. As it was May the current was pretty stiff as I lined up to the Horserace and Caucomgomoc and I fell about 500 times. I had planned to do the Mud pond carry later in...
  3. J

    St John River (Maine) map?

    Thanks for the help. I did an Allagash trip last year using the services of Norm at Pelletier’s. This year I hope to put in at Fifth St John pond if the conditions allow.
  4. J

    St John River (Maine) map?

    I’m planning to paddle the St John River ( Maine) mid May. What paper maps ( besides the Gazeteer) are available for this region ?