• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

Recent content by EL Tripper

  1. EL Tripper

    Music for the drive to, during, or the drive back from canoe trips?

    Well, Tom Thompson came paddling past I'm pretty sure it was him And he spoke so softly in accordance To the growing of the dim
  2. EL Tripper

    Good fish/depth finder and what power source?

    Here's my setup in my SRC 16' Quetico. There's a hardwood board strapped to the yoke with two Clutch Straps (brand name, and very handy straps). There are three Scotty Mount bases attached to the board. From left to right inserted in the mounts are; Scotty Transducer Mount, then two Scotty rod...
  3. EL Tripper

    Jokes and Laughter for the Day

    For your next back country trip.
  4. EL Tripper

    Animal Behavior

    I didn't read all of the comments to see if this was answered, but this one I know, asynchronous and synchronous hatching strategies. They are different strategies that if I remember correctly it is believed to mostly help ground nesters survive predators.
  5. EL Tripper

    What Do You Do In Winter ?

    For those here who get winter like all of my fellow Canadians and many in the US. Your canoe is likely stored for winter, or will be soon. What are your Outdoor activities through the winter? For me, here in Northern Ontario it's mostly ice fishing. Two or three days a week with friends we hit...
  6. EL Tripper

    Poll: How many miles a day do you paddle when solo in a tandem canoe?

    😄 I think I remember that USA was also going to change to metric back then, but bailed out. At 62 I have learned and lived with both and find myself using both at different times and circumstances. Though I do use more and more metric lately, (though a 4 X 8 sheet of plywood is still 4' X 8'...
  7. EL Tripper

    What are you reading?

    Very interesting, only a little canoeing it, but the canoe is a huge part of this colourful journalist life.
  8. EL Tripper

    Photo of the day

    Waiting for the The Budd car train in Sudbury Ontario. Canoe and gear are ready to go. Where the train dropped us off, mile 68.20
  9. EL Tripper

    Poll: How many miles a day do you paddle when solo in a tandem canoe?

    You made me break out the conversion chart km to miles. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. EL Tripper

    Clamp on rod holder/fish finder

    I have the Scotty clamp, that I use on kevlar SRC. I find it works best clamped near a thwart or the yoke, I also put the screw part on the outside of the boat. More recently I made a board that holds two Scotty rod holders and a Scotty transducer mount, the whole thing is attached to the thwart...