• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨

Recent content by Dagger

  1. Dagger

    Chestnut Playmate - Small Canvas Repair!

    You, Sir know a lot about these canoes! I appreciate the details. Attached are two shots of the deck plate with the decal. It looks like the little spot that is supposed to be green, isn't. The current deck/decal are very smooth. I can hardly feel a step running a finger across decal and deck...
  2. Dagger

    Chestnut Playmate - Small Canvas Repair!

    Took the canoe out to the local lake twice yesterday. First time solo, and the second time with my wife for an evening sunset paddle. Both of us were at a loss of words to describe the experience of paddling this canoe. The best description we finally came up with was, that it feels like...
  3. Dagger

    Chestnut Playmate - Small Canvas Repair!

    Thank you very much, Robin! Book in shopping cart! Looking forward to see if your friend knows a shop in my location (or within a reasonable distance). I like the GFlex fix you did. I worked with GFlex before and like it.
  4. Dagger

    Chestnut Playmate - Small Canvas Repair!

    I saw that post from Murat. Good stuff! The interior woodwork as well as the gunwales are in great shape. The boat still has it's keel, which many remove when the re-canvas. That could indicate that the canoe is pretty much original. However, that could also indicate wishful thinking on my...
  5. Dagger

    Chestnut Playmate - Small Canvas Repair!

    I found one other source that states "Oregon", on the same WCHA page. However, they seem to be in Main and not in OR.
  6. Dagger

    Chestnut Playmate - Small Canvas Repair!

    Just got myself a, what I believe to be, Chestnut Playmate. The canoe is in pretty good shape overall but has some small "wrinkles" and scratches (see pics). I'll probably re-canvas at some point, but I am hoping some folks here can chime in on techniques for small canvas repair. Also, if...
  7. Dagger

    Poll: How old were you when you got YOUR OWN first canoe (and what was it)?

    I dabbled in kayaks between the ages of 17 and 19. I had little money, and could only afford a well used and significantly damaged fiberglass slalom race kayak. That summer, I learned a lot about fiberglass and how (not) to repair it. My passion was longer trips which my kayak was not good at...
  8. Dagger

    Anyone have experience with this canoe?

    @ memaquay: I wish I had the talent and patience to build a canoe. Thank you for the info tho! :-) @ Jatfomike: Points well taken! I kneel in canoes but I often take nubes, and they, as is true for the rest of my family, all prefer sitting. The resulting high center of gravity can certainly...
  9. Dagger

    Anyone have experience with this canoe?

    Much appreciated, Alan! I am not sure why my G - search only came up with one result...might that have to do with personalized results based on my search preferences? Evil search engine magic? Who knows :). What I learned so far: - My old Spirit II is a great canoe for two (200 pound plus...
  10. Dagger

    Anyone have experience with this canoe?

    Thank you. I already looked there but only found one entry (via Google) - as it seems the BWCA forums are not searchable. My hope is to find someone here that has some direct experience with the B19 and or with other 3-seat optios for a canoe that can carry 3 adults with gear.
  11. Dagger

    Anyone have experience with this canoe?

    I searched but did not find any threads that mention the Northstar B19. There is generally not much on the web about this canoe. The stats are intriguing for the type of canoe I am interested in. Does anyone here have any personal experience with it? Thanks and Happy new year!
  12. Dagger

    Ball paddle grip

    I like the divot idea. Thank you!
  13. Dagger

    Happy Holidays!

    Frohe Weihnachten! from Sunn... well, actually rainy northern California. We had all kinds of paddle plans for the past few days, but the rain is quite welcome to assure a good snow pack and hopefully full reservoirs, lakes and streams next year. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
  14. Dagger

    Ball paddle grip

    Great feedback as always! As M mentioned, I also found a ball grip paddle comment a while (few years) back on the site but can't remember from who or even what the deal was. I think I'll just take one of my older wooden sticks and fashion a ball grip and try it. Maybe I'll make it sort of as a...
  15. Dagger

    Sleeping Bags

    Tall and wide rectangular Down bag, bag liner (Walmart specials do it for me), super thick, insulated, and hopefully quiet, extra long extra wide sleeping pad (NEMO Quasar 3D insulated), and a skull cap that stays on. Extra long and wide bag and pad because I toss and turn a lot. The little...