• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

The Joy of (Self-Imposed) Canoe Trip Suffering

Just finished up this video on the most difficult trip I've ever done. You can hear panic in my voice a few times because we were sideways in the current and came close to tipping. As @Black_Fly said, this made a very memorable trip for me and my daughter. She did an amazing job for only having gone on 3 or 4 trips before.
this made a very memorable trip for me and my daughter

It sure will be. You'll both remember this trip fondly for your entire lives. Nice video on a challenging, muddy river with lots of woody occlusions. Your daughter was a very good-natured trooper and companion. How old is she?
It sure will be. You'll both remember this trip fondly for your entire lives. Nice video on a challenging, muddy river with lots of woody occlusions. Your daughter was a very good-natured trooper and companion. How old is she?
She's 17. Of my 5 girls, she is probably the only one that could have handled it.