• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

Recent content by Woodpuppy

  1. Woodpuppy

    Hood loop tie downs

    I guess I cropped the pic that showed these are loops. Long loops because they need to reach a few inches down into the engine compartment. So a 15” length of webbing folded in half and secured with grommets.
  2. Woodpuppy

    Hood loop tie downs

    So my Thule hood loops with the section of hose aren’t going to work in the 4Runner’s hood channels because Toyota places gaskets along both sides. Looking inside engine compartment there are a few occupied and unoccupied threaded bolt holes along the fenders in about the right place for...
  3. Woodpuppy

    What are your current solo canoes and how do you like them?

    I have the general idea from reading but it isn’t something that’s natural. Eta: now I think about it I didn’t try paddling on my left… I better try that. I’m sure paddling on the right biases my weight that way 🤔
  4. Woodpuppy

    What are your current solo canoes and how do you like them?

    No, I tried shifting side to side. I don’t have any experience heeling to carve turns. I’m still willing to assume it’s me rather than the canoe, but I do wonder if relative strength of the wood gunnels or thwart length can impart a torque to the hull and predispose it to turn a certain way...
  5. Woodpuppy

    Time to build again - Short solo/kid's tandem

    Wow, what a difference. I was a bit twitchy looking at the previous post pics.
  6. Woodpuppy

    Cooking Fish

    Yes, salmon steaks, skin on. The recipe would work with anything you like. Just adjust your cooking times accordingly.
  7. Woodpuppy

    Cooking Fish

    Well a curry, chowder, or soup would eliminate the oil. When I cook fish in a pan, is seat the flesh side with very minor oil, a Tbs butter or other fat, flip after 2-4 minutes depending on thickness, and finish on the skin side about the same or less. Not much oil. Then make a sauce in the...
  8. Woodpuppy

    The Strange Things You See on the River

    Gotta get pumped for the day!
  9. Woodpuppy

    The Strange Things You See on the River

    Somebody just read Huck Finn and got inspired.
  10. Woodpuppy

    Time to build again - Short solo/kid's tandem

    A saying I’m becoming more fond of: “perfect is the enemy of good enough.”
  11. Woodpuppy

    What are your current solo canoes and how do you like them?

    My Phoenix tends to go left when I coast. I need to play with weight placement, I postulate that a little more weight towards the stern would trim it better. Perhaps I am slightly plowing with a dry bag in front of me and nothing else in the boat?
  12. Woodpuppy

    2024 Hemlock Canoe Weekly Demo Nights Begin May 21

    Oh man I would go if it were a reasonable distance away!
  13. Woodpuppy

    What are you reading?

    I got about halfway through Another Bend in the River while waiting to be either selected or deselected for jury duty. Just need to finish it now.
  14. Woodpuppy

    Photo of the day

    That’s just stunning. Thank you for sharing it!