• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

Recent content by Dirigo

  1. D

    Allagash Loop. What’s your preferred direction?

    Safely in the lee, onto Ciss Stream and Round Pond.
  2. D

    Allagash Loop. What’s your preferred direction?

    Northern wind ripping through, do I stay or do I go? I’m going! Five months of no canoeing, time to get the canoe under me again and live. Twenty two minutes later I am in the lee. Ciss Stream will give me access to Round Pond campsite. If possible, call the Maine Game Warden Service and...
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    Allagash Loop. What’s your preferred direction?

    Most recent trip was 2015 during high water. Put-in April 8, take-out, load-up April 13. High water versus lower water assists greatly. I parked at the campsite at Caucomgomoc Dam. Going clockwise made most sense to me. Going with the current on Allagash Stream and Umbazookus Stream was the...
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    Photo of the day

    Truly remarkable scenery in the Northern reaches. Another million years, the plates will be connected again..?
  5. D

    Do you bring an ice chest or cooler?

    No coolers on tripping. Any libations can be soaked in the water. Basecamping for a few days, yes. Such as: Roll Dam, Dead River and numerous sites in Maine. Frozen plastic milk jugs will keep for seven days in Maine, if you know how to pack.
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    Photo of the day

    Remarkable still water in North Dakota. Yes, I understand the wind not ever moves in the Dakotas…
  7. D

    Photo of the day

    Roll Dam campsite on the West Branch of the Penobscot during draw down of Seboomook Dam.
  8. D

    Video: Low Brace Practice Tips

    I missed the explanation of the “leading edge of the paddle” providing “lift” to the paddler and craft. If and when a OC-1 paddler wants to have a successful roll or brace, she or he will need that lift provided from the leading edge of the of the paddle to plane above the water and make the...
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    Photo of the day

    Congratulations Team Harrick, you two succeeded in the marriage test! Surviving as a wife and husband in a tandem canoe during training is no short success. Well done! My suggestion is to learn to paddle solo to strengthen your tandem skills. With solo skills either paddler is competent at...
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    Synthetic fabric for all seasons. Once you go synthetic, you’ll not return to plant based fabric unless you like dampness. Brands and styles are for the beholder.
  11. D

    Photo of the day

    Perhaps this is Jimmy speaking through a tree here in Maine?
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    Photo of the day

    Brandy Pond. Map 49 in the Maine Atlas Gazetteer by Delorme. Seen while finishing the Allagash Lake loop. Look at satellite maps and you may see the shadow it casts. Must be part of a turbine. Copper, with a fine patina. The inner is concrete. This must have part of a turbine for an area...
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    Photo of the day

    Any Maine paddler encounter this? DP Copper’s escape capsule? Alien fuel rod? Jimmy Hoffa’s headstone?
  14. D

    Millbrook Outrage

    SouthernKevlar, you purchased a canoe of youth. The composite Outrage is light years beyond the H2Pro in every aspect. Congratulations!
  15. D

    Taking another look at the Werner Bandit and how to use it.

    Eckilson, great surfing, attaining and ferrying video! Most impressive in a minor rockered canoe. Rock on!